How To Conserve Energy With Laundry. 8 Energy Saving Tips

Running your laundry costs you and the planet a lot!

Not only does it use energy to wash your clothes, but it also takes energy to dry them.

While laundry takes a lot of energy, you can still reduce its use. We want to do this for two main reasons:

  • To help the environment
  • To save money

With that in mind, here are some energy-saving tips you can roll out to your laundry routine:

Conserving Energy in Your Laundry Room to Help the Environment and Your Pocket

laundry basket

Choose an Energy-efficient Washer

One of the best ways to save energy in the laundry is to ensure that your washing machine is appropriately sized and energy-efficient.

Make sure it holds the right size for the amount of laundry.

If your family is small, a regular-size machine is suitable for you. It doesn’t make sense to buy a giant washing machine if you do not need one.

Another benefit of a small capacity washer is that it will reduce electricity consumption.

While buying a washing machine, make sure you buy one that is energy-efficient.

Buying a new washer is a significant expense, so you can purchase them cheaper if second-hand models are available.

Energy-efficient models use 40% less energy than other traditional washing machines. They also store 65% less water for laundry than other top washers.

Buy an Energy-Efficient Dryer

clothes dryer

When purchasing an energy-efficient dryer, you should first check its moisturizing speed.

Such dryers have a moisture sensor feature. When your clothes are dry, this feature will shut down the dryer, saving electricity.

Dryers that do not have a moisture sensor feature consume more electricity, resulting in high electricity bills and greater environmental impact.

Always use the correct dryer cycle for each load, saving the machine from the additional burden.

Place your dryer in an average temperature area where the temperature is neither excessively cold nor excessively hot.

Plan Your Laundry Routine

Set up a laundry routine and stick to it!

Save water and energy costs by washing full loads (less washing in the long run).

You can also save energy by using an already heated dryer instead of a cool one, consuming extra power.

Plan your laundry routine well so you can dry multiple loads during every session.

If you regularly do your laundry in small loads, consider buddying up with someone in the same position. I know it won’t be easy, but it will save energy and money and help the environment.

Use Optimum Water Temperature for Washing and Drying

lady changing the temperature on laundry machine

We waste most of the energy heating the water. If you can use cold water, then that is a substantial energy-saving win!

You should always check the clothes you are washing for the optimum washing temperature and don’t exceed it. Not only will it help save money and the environment, but it will also help save money buying new clothes too!

If you can get away with washing clothes with cold water, you should go for that.

Save money, save the environment!

As I said above, most energy is used to heat the water. If you don’t need to heat the water, you are not using the same amount of energy to wash your clothes.

You are saving energy with every load you wash simply by reducing the hot water you use.

Use Non-Electric Washing Machines

For an eco-friendly environment, non-electric machines are an excellent idea.

You can always go old school and wash your laundry by hand.

Just be aware of the water temperature and the amount of water you use. If you overheat the water or use too much water, it could be counterproductive in cost-saving and impact the environment.

Air Dry Your Clothes – Easy Way to Save Energy!

closed on a clothes dryer

The best way to be more energy-efficient and reduce energy is not to use energy at all. The best of these energy-saving tips!

Start air drying your clothes. Air drying your clothes has no charge or usage of electricity and is excellent for the environment.

Just take your clothes outside the house and set them in a line. Use nature for drying clothes.

If you live in an area where hanging your clothes outside the house or on the terrace is not allowed, there is an alternative to doing this. You can purchase a drying rack for your house and place the rack in an airy room.

Just be wary of any moisture in your home; it could lead to dampness.

Having said that, it is cheaper and better for the environment to use a drying rack.

If you live in a good climate, place the clothes outside; if not, use a rack indoors.

Clean Your Washing Machine

While cleaning their houses, most people forget to wash their washers and dryers.

Remember, these washers and dryers make your clothes clean. You should ensure that they are clean and properly washed, and maintained.

If you don’t wash your washing and dryer machine daily, there will be mildew inside every corner, which can ruin the quality of the fabric by leaving stains on them.

They are also bad for your clothes.

Cleaning your washing machine is simple. When cleaning your washing machine or dryer, the first step is to unplug it.

Take a brush and rub it inside out until every corner gets cleaned. Don’t forget to use green cleaning products too!

Clean Your Dryer

man cleaning clothes dryer

There’s nothing complicated when it comes to cleaning your dryer machine.

First, turn it off and unplug it.

Then, to ensure good airflow, ensure the lint trap is clean. This is because the obstacle in airflow can make the dryer less efficient.

Clean the lint trap filter after every use.

Often manufacturers recommend rigid venting materials instead of plastic vents. The wooden material may collapse and cause blockage of air. To run your washing and dryer machines smoothly, clean them up daily.

Cleaning will make them more efficient.

Again, use green cleaning products!

Final Thoughts

In today’s world, conserving energy is of utmost importance, not only to save the environment but also to save costs.

By following some simple practices, you can lower your laundry energy consumption, thus reducing bill costs and not harming the environment.

The above methods are the best and most efficient ways to reduce energy consumption while washing or drying your clothes.

Good luck!